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Sixth Mass Extinction: A Human Led Crisis By Subham Ghoshal

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I Had Written Down A Book


What The Book Is About?

"The World Global Tempretures Are Currently At 1.5° Celcius It's Currently Rising,

In A Faster Way, Each Year More Than 1 Million Species Are Currently On Brink Of Extinction,

Each Year, 100 To 10000 Species Go Extinct. Due To Air Pollution Each Year 2.18 Million People Die In India.The Global Warming Is Taking An Upper Pace. In The Month Of October 2023 Some Places In World Had Experienced Tempretures Going 2°Celcius. The Paris Agreement Which India And Other Nations Had Signed Back In 2015, Had Stated To Keep The Global Tempretures Below At 1.5°C By 2030, Some First World Countries Have Stated To Net Zero By 2040, Even Then They Are Seemingly Been Failed.

India Stated Net Zero By 2050-2070, Currently Scientists Are Worried About, The Situation, In The Ongoing Condition, The World Can End In Next 25 Years. Even In Next 10-15 Years, We Are Going To Experience, Food Shortage, Extreme Droughts, Heavy Storms And Cyclones, Flash Floods, Some Parts Of India Would Be Under Water By 2040, With The Current Situation Maybe By 2035.

Scientists Have Stated That The Sixth Mass Extinction Phase Had Started, We Must Act Now, Before The Situation Completely Get's Out Of Control. This Global Warming In The Field Of Science Is Called "Anthropogenic" Global Warming, Which Means Human Made Activities And Actions Are Behind This Situation, It Has A Lot To Do, With Human Psychology And Behaviour, The Constat Mental Problems We Deal In Real Life, According To My Long Time Observations And Research In The Field Of Psychology, "It's The Inner Darkness Of Man, Which Is Going To Consume The Whole World" And It Isn't That People Will Die, People Are Already Dying, It's Just That We Are So, Ignorant That's Just Because On The List Of Those Dead People, Non Of Our Own Or We Are Listed. We Say The Earth Is Our Mother, If Our Collective Action Had Led To This Catastrophe Then We Are The One Who Can Save, But I Can't Do This Alone, Like Many Others Are Also Trying, Atleast 50% Of The World Population Would Be Required To Keep The 1.5° Celcius Mark Stable. Think Of The Situation What Happened Back In 2020, The Amount Of Deaths We Have Seen, Now, 8.1 Billion Life Are At At Threat, What Should Be Our Main Priority At This Time, To Think What We Have? Or What Our Next Generation Could Have? Child Born Today Might Not See The Light Of Their Adulthood. The Dreams And Desires We Hold To Accomplish In Future, Non Of Them Would Come True, Just Because We Don't Have Too Long Time Left Here. Unless We Do What Have To Be Done.

What Is In Book?

The Book Contains A Wide Range Of Subject From Scientific Reasearch, To Biology,Psychology, Philosophy, Math Calculations, Statistical Records, Economics, Marine Biology, Micro Biology, Physics. The Book Contains In Depth Detailed Analysis. Writing The Book Took, 2 Years Of Research, It Was Written Down Under 6 Month In 2023, It's Assured Nothing Like This Had Been Written Down Before, In This Manner.

This Book Involves All The Details Including, The Solution To Global Warming, The Book Contains 236+ Topics, 200 Pages Of Detailed Analysis, The Book Have A Length Of 60000 Words, Have A Reading Time, 10+ Hours, The Book Is Splitted Into Four Chapters, Written In English, It's The Fourth Chapter That Has The Deep Psychology And Philosophycal Analysis Of Human Behaviour That Can Reveal The Reason Behind Man's Action, Also, The Potent Solutions.

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Sixth Mass Extinction: A Human Led Crisis By Subham Ghoshal

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